Annual Meeting, Sunday, January 26 at 11:00 a.m.
Pilgrim Congregational Church
United Church of Christ

15 Common St. – PO Box 281, Southborough, MA 01772

International Women’s Pay: We SHOULD Do It!

You also know the saying, workers are worth their pay.

1 Timothy 5:18b
Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

Happy Day After International Women’s Day!

Is that a thing? If not, it’s fortunate that International Women’s Day is a part of Women’s History Month. Now just as with Black History Month, we all know that Women’s History is the story of all peoples, not just some. And our stories, regardless of gender identity, are all tied together. I hope you’ll think about women in history all year long!

As people of the Christian faith, this can be a challenging topic, because the Bible itself sends an interesting message about women, doesn’t it? It seems to say, “Women matter, sure, but not THAT much…” Why the snark? Well, to be honest, I wrestle with scripture sometimes. I think that’s actually pretty healthy.

Underrepresentation is a Word, but it’s Not a Good One

There’s no way to sugarcoat it: women are underrepresented in the Bible. According the study mentioned in this article, there are only 93 women named in the Bible, and they only speak 1.1% of the time.
Those are some sad stats! Does that mean that the ratio of women to men was that different in Biblical times? Or does it just mean that certain forces worked very effectively to minimize the roles of women in the Bible stories?

Of course, there are hints and allegations…Phoebe is an early deacon of the church, Mary Magdalene is a women tied to the Jesus story. Deborah is a judge who shows that tent pegs aren’t just for stabilizing tent flaps (bit of an understatement there).

Thank You for Showing Up and for Sharing

To my mind, the best news is that there are plenty of women in our churches, and in Pilgrim Church in particular. They are full of life and power and stories and songs, and they serve in many different capacities across the boards and committees of our church. I learn so much from all of you, and I’m grateful for your voices and for your work.

Throughout Women’s History Month, please keep your eyes peeled for stories of women and their contributions to our lives. Not just in places where they took on traditional male roles either. Women don’t have to out-men the men; in fact, I think our diversity of gender expression is valuable precisely because of our differences. I look forward to the day when we don’t even think anymore about “male-dominated fields” or the “patriarchy” controlling things.

Finally, I look forward to that time when women are paid equally and treasured every bit as much as men are. We aren’t there yet, but I hope to see it in my lifetime. You do they work, you deserve the compensation. And recognizing the admonition from 1 Timothy, anything less is un-Biblical!


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