Ash Wednesday Service-Wednesday, March 5 at 7:00 p.m.
Pilgrim Congregational Church
United Church of Christ

15 Common St. – PO Box 281, Southborough, MA 01772

Connecting With Our Guests or Entertaining Angels?

Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

Hebrews 13:2 (ESV)

Howdy, Neighbor

For a long time, when people come to visit at Pilgrim Church, that’s about the sum total of the experience: they come and they visit. Then, being good New England visitors, they go home and forget they were ever here, for the most part. Or maybe they come back a few times, to keep checking us out, and to see if anybody learns their name. Eventually, they might stay…but on the other hand, they just as well stay home! 

What if we had a system to welcome our visitors and to keep track of when they’ve been with us? What if we were able to do it in a uniquely Pilgrim way, but without having to reinvent the wheel? If only someone had written a book about such things, someone who has a proven system and a track record for helping people get connected at churches…

Oh wait, they have! 

A few years ago, Pastor Nelson Searcy of the Journey Metro Church in New York City codified how they do what they do to welcome folks into the church. He did such a great job that his book, Fusion, has become a hit in church circles. And no, you don’t have to be at his particular church to use the system. You can read the book and follow it right here at our particular church! 

The idea hinges on a single new thing that you’re going to see in worship this week for the first time: The Connect Card. This card has a space for folks to write their names, addresses, and other contact information on the front. On the back of the card, will be a rotating set of suggestions about things listeners can do in response to the sermon that day, as well as some check boxes for folks to get information about ministries and opportunities at Pilgrim. 

Now here’s the counterintuitive part: everybody fills one out, not just the guests… 

Why would we repeatedly fill out a car with our name and address on it, when everybody’s known who we are for years. Well, here’s the thing: if I’m new in a place and I look around the room when someone says it’s time to fill out the Connect Card, and everybody just sits there and doesn’t do it, what happens? Nothing! I’m not filling that out, because no one else is! On the other hand, if everyone around me suddenly looks down and starts filling out the card, I don’t want to be the only one not doing it. So I fill it out. 

Do you want to help our church get better connected to our guests? I’ll bet you do. And I’ll bet you’re going to be a great asset in this ministry. Thanks in advance for trying the Connect Card out with us, and here’s to feeling even more connected as a result. Additionally, if you’re part of a ministry at the church that would like space on the connect card (say for event sign-ups or other things) just reach out to Debbie Rowe in the church office and we’ll arrange it. 

Who knows what gifts God will send once we’re actually ready to receive them? Let’s get a LOT more intentional about how we welcome folks into our church. And if you’d like to join our new Welcome Ministry, contact Pastor Charley as soon as possible. Will we be just connecting with our guest, or might we be entertaining angels? Either way, it’s a win!

Image by Robert Fotograf from Pixabay


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