Family Game Night-Sunday, April 5 at 6:00 p.m.
Pilgrim Congregational Church
United Church of Christ

15 Common St. – PO Box 281, Southborough, MA 01772

Posts from December 2023

Food Pantry Needs (as of December 15, 2023)

Cranberry Juice Oreos Chips Ahoy Dove Soap Bars Green Olives Beef Ramen Noodles Honey Grape Juice V8 Mustard Salsa Salt Frosting Decaf Coffee Gel Toothpaste Refried Beans Men’s Deodorant Dishwasher Detergent Baking Soda Beef Gravy Powdered Milk Please check the expiration dates.Cash and Cards please MAIL TO: Southborough Food Pantry, c/o Pilgrim Church, P.O. Box…

Food Pantry Needs (as of December 8, 2023)

Cookies:    Vanilla Fingers     Oreos    Oatmeal    Fig Newtons DeCaf Coffee Hot Chocolate Honey Life Cereal Cheez-It Crackers Mayo Ketchup Salsa Cap’n Crunch Cereal Spam Gel Toothpaste Beef Gravy Shredded Wheat Cereal Please check the expiration dates.Cash and Cards please MAIL TO: Southborough Food Pantry, c/o Pilgrim Church, P.O. Box 281, Southborough, MA…

The Season of Giving

I can only assume that, much like mine, everyone’s inbox has been exploding over the past week with solicitations for a “special day of giving”. Colleges, hospitals, TV stations, museums, clubs and charities of every kind imaginable calling for our attention and support. They talk of their community outreach, their contributions to the cities and…