Annual Meeting, Sunday, January 26 at 11:00 a.m.
Pilgrim Congregational Church
United Church of Christ

15 Common St. – PO Box 281, Southborough, MA 01772

Will He Rise? Yes, Yes He Will! Will You?

But on the first day of the week, at early dawn, they came to the tomb, taking the spices that they had prepared. They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they went in, they did not find the body.

Luke 24:1-3 (NRSV)

Why do we do it? Because they did!

In the story from Luke, the message is clear: the women arose with the sun to go tend to Jesus in his tomb. What they found was nothing like what they expected…

Holy Week is here, with a set of meaningful opportunities for Pilgrims and their friends to experience God’s presence in community.  I went over them all last week, but I want to remind you that what you get from Holy Week, will, in a meaningful way, be the result of what you put in. 

So, let’s ask the big question:

Are you a morning person? 

If you are, the United Parishes’ Easter Sunrise service might already be a pleasure. But what if you’re not? 

What if it takes you more than the average person to feel awake before noon? Well then, you’ve got a challenge to work through to be there! And the doing of it may be hard, right up until the moment the service starts. But then, the comradery with your fellow worshipers, many of different Christian faiths, the shared cup of coffee, and the beautiful view across the water takes you to a place you never could have experienced. 

Is it the same marina at the same Hopkinton State Park as it would be at 6 pm? On a level, sure. But on the other hand, when you see it at 6:30 am, it’s a whole different ballgame. Different light, different birdsong, a different feeling in the air. 

Because YOU are different. 

See, you don’t attend Easter Sunrise at a convenient time. It’s a hardship. And that makes the reward even sweeter. Furthermore, your 6pm self can’t attend the sunrise service. Only your 6am self can do that. I’m a slightly different person at 6am than I am at 6pm. It’s not about authenticity, or whether you prefer mornings or not. It’s about the way we see differently in the morning light. 

Join us Sunday at 6:30 am for the Annual Easter Sunrise Service, and then, as a reward to yourself, join us for the new Easter Son-rise Breakfast at 8:15 back at Pilgrim in Fellowship Hall. We hope to see you there as we rise with the Son for worship and then fellowship!

Blessings for a peaceful and fulfilling Holy Week and Easter.


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