Ash Wednesday Service-Wednesday, March 5 at 7:00 p.m.
Pilgrim Congregational Church
United Church of Christ

15 Common St. – PO Box 281, Southborough, MA 01772

How Not to Give Up on People

Photo by Etienne Girardet on Unsplash

Last week I delivered a sermon on protest…and counter-protest

As usual, I didn’t tell you what to think…but hopefully instead provide a framework to think about what people are protesting, and how. I spoke about the ways the messages sometimes get garbled, despite good intentions. I said it was incumbent on protestors to educate and to communicate.

This round of protests are focused on Gaza, but there will be other disagreements about other issues, before long. And we’re still going to need to care for one another. For Christians, there’s an essential step we need in just about every situation.

Prayer, Prayer and More Prayer

This week, we’ll be looking at scripture from Acts 3:1-10, where Peter heals a man with an infirmity. You can read the scripture here. The Grow Curriculum has us following our “One Small Step” series, which started last week with the first step: believing in Jesus. The second step we can take, for this week, is “Pray for others.”

I’ll be sharing a story where prayer helped me appreciate someone I was…disinclined to appreciate. And while the curriculum is calling these “small” steps, just like believing in Jesus, this one felt big to me. It’s a lot easier for me to pray for people I know and love already. But when I pray for those I wouldn’t be inclined to pray for, it puts me in a different headspace. In some ways, an even better one.

Join us at 10 am at Pilgrim, in person or on Facebook

And remember, you can always drop in to our 8:45 Bible Conversation in the parlor each week from September through June.

Photo by Tim Marshall on Unsplash


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