Ring in the Holiday Season
The holiday season is upon us!! The Messiah Community Chorus is in the planning and fundraising campaign for our 51st concert presentation of Handel’s Messiah which is currently scheduled for Sunday, December 8th, 2024, at 3:30PM. We are looking to our PCC community to help support this wonderful concert event. The Messiah Community Chorus and accompanying orchestra are comprised of people from all over the MetroWest area making this a great community event. This chorus has 40-50 experienced volunteer members. The orchestra of approximately 20 members and the four soloists are some of the finest local musical professionals who really make this concert an experience you would normally travel to Boston to enjoy. The concert venue at Pilgrim Congregational Church typically draws an audience attendance of nearly 250 from the Metro West area.
Our hope is that you will favor this event and will consider one of the advertising levels listed below. Additional information for this concert event can be found at www. www.messiahcommunitychorus.org.
Personal contributions or ads are deductible to the extent permitted by law.
- Full Page Ad for $50.00
- ½ Page Ad for $30.00
- Business Card Ad for $20.00
- Handel’s Angels Listing – for a donation of $25 or more.
We would very much appreciate your support by November 27th. The ad copy may be emailed to singhandel@gmail.com If you would like something designed for you as a dedication, please email me at singhandel@gmail.com and we can design something for you for the program. Please let me know if you have any questions. Your advertising can be for a company or a personal dedication and the Handel’s Angels Listing allows you to donate to support this event with a simple listing of your name on this donors list.
Thank you in advance for your support as we look forward to yet another great concert performance.
Matthew Pietro
For The Messiah Community Chorus Planning Committee