‘If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them.
Luke 6:32 (NRSV)
This Week, Pastor Charley will offer up some hopefully helpful tools
A few years ago, it was popular in the news to hear folks speak about how we were more divided now as a culture and nation than we had ever been. Well, we’ve come even farther since! How does it feel? Some people are riding around with flags hanging off their cars, while others are making plans to move to New Zealand. Through it all, scripture abides and offers some clues about how we might learn again to live through this and to wind up caring for one another better.
Last week we read in Luke 5 that Jesus never promised an easy time for his disciples. As the modern inheritors of his work, we have to ask ourselves: are we still relevant? Are we still meeting people where they are? Are we really living into our witness of the UCC Motto:
Wherever you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.
That’s the line! It was a major ad campaign, and it brought many people into UCC churches with its message of welcome. But is it relevant anymore? How do we live with those we disagree with? How do we face ourselves and our actions, and how do we make space for opinions we don’t share?
Whether you’re celebrating or lamenting, you’re welcome at Pilgrim Church. We hope you’ll make time and space in your heart to hear God’s call. Join us this Sunday at 10 am. It looks like the weather is finally working in our favor!