Family Game Night-Sunday, April 5 at 6:00 p.m.
Pilgrim Congregational Church
United Church of Christ

15 Common St. – PO Box 281, Southborough, MA 01772

Don’t Miss Week Three of “Jesus Sees Women”

But she answered him, ‘Sir, even the dogs under the table eat the children’s crumbs.’

Mark 7:28 (NRSV)
Photo by Caroline Attwood on Unsplash

This time, we’ll focus on Mark 7:24-30, featuring The Syrophenician Woman

Join us this Sunday at either 8:45 or 11:30 for our weekly Lenten Bible Study in the parlor here at Pilgrim. The discussions have been lively, and you’re welcome to drop in without having attended previous sessions.

In the story we’ll address this week, a woman whose “little daughter had an unclean spirit” asks Jesus for help. The catch is, she’s a Gentile. Jesus’ first response seems to be that she doesn’t deserve his help. Yet, as they say, “she persisted,” and the result changed the Savior’s mind about her and enshrined her in scripture.

What are the implications for us in 2025?

Well, I hope you’ll join us to find out, but it does beg the question: who are we supposed to be helping? Is there a hierarchy? How do we choose the communities we serve? And what might be possible if we came to the whole endeavor with faith like that of this woman in our story?

Thanks to everyone who’s been a part of this Lenten Bible Study so far. I’m learning a lot from you, and the materials, prepared by Cynthia Holder Rich and Mark Rich, have been illuminating. I appreciate having a new lens to view not only Jesus but the women he interacted with.

Feel welcome this Sunday in the Pilgrim Parlor at either 8:45 or 11:30!

Photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash


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