Then the devil took him to the holy city and placed him on the pinnacle of the temple, saying to him, ‘If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down; for it is written,
Matthew 4:5-7 (NRSV)
“He will command his angels concerning you”,
and “On their hands they will bear you up,
so that you will not dash your foot against a stone.” ’
Jesus said to him, ‘Again it is written, “Do not put the Lord your God to the test.” ’

One of the things that people outside of church ask me at this time of year is “what are you giving up for Lent?”
It’s always struck me as funny. Why do you want to know?
Why do people give anything up to begin with? If you didn’t know, it’s a common practice in various branches of Christianity, to remember the wilderness temptation of Jesus before he began his public ministry. It lasts, like his temptation, forty days. Lenten fasts originally included abstention from all food until sundown, when a vegetable meal could be consumed.
Over time, more folks adopted a fast abstaining from just meat, eggs and dairy, sweets and alcohol. It reminds me of a recent joke that circulated on the internet: “Did you know if you replaced all your coffee with green tea each day you could remove what little joy you have left in life?” Some have taken smaller components, saying “I’m not eating red meat for Lent,” or “I’m abstaining from chocolate.”
I’m not here to tell you how you should fast. But it’s interesting to try, especially if you evaluate what you learn in the process.
What good is all this abstention if you still don’t think about God any more than you already do? What good is not eating chocolate if you’re not praying for anyone? If you don’t seek a spiritual connection with God, then why bother with outward signs?
Today someone sent me note about a Baptist Church that’s practicing a fast from Target for Lent. They are using their abstention to protest Target’s rollback of Diversity and Inclusion programs. Pastor Jamal Bryant likens their action to the Montgomery Bus Boycott during the civil rights movement, another program that churches supported vocally.
So what’s your fast? And what is it for?
I hope you’ll consider, in these remaining weeks of Lent, what you need to give up to find wholeness in God. If your fast leads you to deeper to faith, tell others and share your journey. Is your fast for healing? For wholeness? For justice? For peace? If you do abstain, how will it glorify God, and how might it help you find spiritual rebirth?
Remember, always check in with your doctor and medical providers before undertaking any major dietary changes! You are your own best advocate. See you on the Lenten trail, as we continue our series this week, “Jesus Sees Women” with the story from John 4:1-42, as Jesus meets the Samaritan Woman at the well. Join us at 8:45 or 11:30am in the parlor!