Summer Worship Services Begin at 9:30 a.m.
Pilgrim Congregational Church
United Church of Christ

15 Common St. – PO Box 281, Southborough, MA 01772

New Signs Are Up!

Have you seen them? Last week, Dick Snyder and Connie Anick put the finishing touches on our new signs by installing them on the Church at our entrances to the east, west and north. Please see the pictures of the signs in place…or better yet, come to Church and see them in person!

You will recall earlier this year discussions commenced on how we represent our Church as open, affirming and welcome to all. Pilgrim surveyed the congregation about 4 options and the winning option was the UCC symbol for inclusion. A design team of Connie Anick, Catherine Weber and Stephen Coldwell worked with Dick Snyder to create the design with input from our congregation. Dick Snyder made the framework for the sign while Stephen Coldwell paid for the sign graphic. Catherine Weber was instrumental in the design of the sign and purchase of the graphic.

We owe our gratitude to this team for their efforts. A job well done is a job deserving appreciation. If you see Dick, Catherine, Connie or Stephen in church please express your thanks. 

One Comment

  1. A job well done. The signs are beautiful and very tactful. Enough to make everyone feel welcome. Thankyou to the whole committee.

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