The Annual Meeting of Pilgrim Church will be this Sunday, January 26th, after church
Throughout the year on the Second Monday of the month, Church Council has been meeting. At Council meetings we share information, plan events, and generally do the business of Pilgrim Church. Most months pass and most Pilgrims are happy to not have to attend those meetings. But you can only do that when you trust Church Council to be there, month after month, worrying over the things that you don’t have to.
So thank you, Church Council members, for keeping everything running so well. And thank you, to everyone else, for trusting us to keep you in our hearts as we faithfully execute the business of Pilgrim Church.
This Sunday, Members Have a Chance to Vote, to Listen, and to Speak
Members of Pilgrim Church have a couple very important votes ahead of them. First and foremost is on the budget and the slate of officers, committees and task forces. At our Annual Meeting, we decide anew who we will invest with our trust. Please hold all volunteers in prayer, throughout the year!
Of course, this is a special meeting for one particular reason: we are closer to a balanced budget for 2025 than we have been since the pandemic. This is GREAT news, so thanks to everyone who’s already pledged, and thanks to our Stewardship Team for reaching out to everyone. We’re also grateful for our Finance Team and everyone who’s been involved in the budgeting process.
Pilgrim Church Members will also have a chance to vote on our new revised Church By-laws. The By-laws are prepared for a significant revision, and copies are available for the congregation to review. If you still need to see them before the meeting, please reach out to Debbie Rowe, our Minister of Communication for a link.
Please remember, only Members have a vote, but guests are welcome!
If you’d like to be in the know as you consider membership yourself, feel free to come for all or part of the meeting. We’ll have some refreshments, and we’ll gather in a spirt of Christian Community to chart our course forward together. If you have any other questions about our Annual Meeting, feel free to reach out to Debbie or to Reverend Charley Eastman.
We look forward to seeing you there!