I think it’s important to have a Christian response to major events, and I hope we’ll always speak from the side of love and care for all involved.
I think it’s important to have a Christian response to major events, and I hope we’ll always speak from the side of love and care for all involved.
I continue to pray for peace in Israel, Palestine, and throughout the Middle East. There is too much at stake to give up on a peaceful solution for all.
Once you signed up, please send Pastor Charley an email so he knows you’re coming. We will meet right outside the exhibit at 12:50 and head in together.
Thank you to the Stewardship Team for putting the BBQ together again, and thank you to everyone who’s bought a ticket or who plans to help. I hope to see you there!
So remember what I say when someone tells me, “I really need to get back to church.” I say: “You’re always welcome at Pilgrim.” That’s it! We know you’re busy, God loves you, and we’ll see you when we can.
When folks are being targeted for their faith, Christians have an important role to play in solidarity.
Save the Date! Chicken BBQ, Fun and Fellowship on June 15th, 5-7:30pm
Nothing is stronger than a small hope that doesn’t give up. -Matt Haig
It’s a lot easier for me to pray for people I know and love already. But when I pray for those I wouldn’t be inclined to pray for, it puts me in a different headspace. In some ways, an even better one.
Acts is about a new community of faith struggling to establish itself. There’s detractors, there’s supporters, and the disciples are working hard to make connections around the world for people to hear the good news of Jesus.