Family Game Night-Sunday, April 5 at 6:00 p.m.
Pilgrim Congregational Church
United Church of Christ

15 Common St. – PO Box 281, Southborough, MA 01772

Exploring Heaven on Earth

Backpack Angels Program

The Backpack Angels Program is one of Pilgrim’s beloved traditions of providing much-needed back-to-school supplies to children and teens supervised by the Department of Children & Families (DCF) in Framingham. We are hoping to deliver 15 backpacks filled with supplies and 5 laptops by early August. Therefore, we ask that all donations/purchases be made by July 30th.…

Food Pantry Needs (as of June 7)

Toilet Paper Paper TowelsNapkinsPasta Sauce in JarsDish DetergentRegular CoffeeCranberry JuiceCapriSunMayonnaiseKetchupChips Ahoy CookiesAll Purpose Counter CleanerGreen OlivesZiplock Sandwich BagsApple Juice small boxesHoneyBlack OlivesV8 JuiceGrape JuiceZiplock Gallon Freezer BagsZiplock Quart BagsTriscuitsMaple SyrupClub CrackersCanned ChickenFrostingFlourWomen’s DeodorantSweetened Condensed MilkOatmeal CookiesCoffee KCUPS Please check the expiration dates.Cash and Cards please MAIL TO: Southborough Food Pantry, c/o Pilgrim Church, P.O. Box 281,…

Food Pantry Needs List (as of May 24, 2024)

Toilet Paper Pasta Sauce in Jars Dish Detergent Regular Coffee Cranberry Juice Sugar All Purpose Cleaner Chips Ahoy Green Olives Ziplock Sandwich Bags Peaches Honey Dill Pickles Black Olives BBQ Sauce V8 Graper Juice Ziplock Quart Bags Ziplock Gallon Freezer Bags Beets Decaf Coffee Women’s Deodorant Men’s Deodorant Sweetened Condensed Milk Shaving Cream Potato Mix…