Family Game Night-Sunday, April 5 at 6:00 p.m.
Pilgrim Congregational Church
United Church of Christ

15 Common St. – PO Box 281, Southborough, MA 01772

Small Groups

In small groups of people seeking to explore spirituality and faith in a way that calls us, we go deep.  Here are our small group ministries in addition to our youth groups, mission trips, and confirmation class.  We are always open to starting new ones!  To contact any of our small groups, please use the form at the bottom of the page.  View upcoming Small Group events.

Bible Conversations – Every Sunday at 8:45 in the church parlor a small group, sometimes 6, sometimes 16, gathers to talk about the week’s scripture. The conversation is moderated by our Sr. Minister, Rev. Charley Eastman, and all are welcome. No experience with the Bible is needed.

Chancel Choir – Leads and supports the congregation in the singing of hymns and musical responses and provides choral anthems and/or solos within the Sunday morning service. The choir rehearses every Sunday morning at 9:00 AM from September thru early June under the direction of the Director of Music, Monica Corey. New members are always welcomed.Handbell Choir – Rehearses most Tuesdays @ 7:00 PM September thru May and plays once a month during the worship service. Contact: Carla Mason

Healthy Living – Meets every Monday at 10:00 AM, with the exception of holidays.   A group of individuals, men and women, who gather to talk about different ways to be healthier. Past topics have included genius, personality assessments, world culture, and meditation. The group is led by experts in the group on particular areas of interest.  Contact: Debbie Rowe at 508-485-4847 or via form below

Jr. High Youth Group – A safe place for 6th, 7th and 8th graders to meet every Sunday morning to examine their faith by learning about the basics of Christianity.  It is a place to voice their opinions about current issues, while they continue to wrestle with dramatic changes in their hearts, minds and bodies during and through adolescence. Contact: Amy Sibley

Kononia – Meeting weekly as a nurturing and faithful community, sharing our inner spiritual journey and exploring ways to more fully experience a deeper awareness of God’s presence in our lives.  Because sharing groups can only function well with a limit number of members, it has been necessary to limit the group to the current membership.  Any wishing to form a similar small group may contact Reid Roberts, and every effort will be made to assist you.

Men’s Club – The Men’s Club provides an opportunity for the men in the congregation through fellowship and fun to; get acquainted, socialize and provide for others.  Activities include: the Annual Habitat for Humanities mission trips to Portland, ME, the Spaghetti Dinner/Raffle fund raiser, Holiday Breakfast and other programs as scheduled. Contact: Michael Hennessy.

Our Father’s Table  – A group of several churches who serve meals to the needy 3 times a week at the New Hope Church, 204 Main Street in Marlborough.  Our responsibility is the first Thursday of each month for which we need people to cook and serve.  Contact: Katherine Hennessy.

Sr. High Youth Group – PCYG is the Youth Group for the senior high at Pilgrim Church.  All students in 9th through 12th grade are welcome.   We meet for activities, discussions, service projects, fun, fundraising, spiritual development, community building, and a yearly mission trip. Contact: Sarah Hile, Director of Youth Ministry.

Women’s Fellowship –   It also includes a card ministry as well as a prayer shawl/knitting (crocheting) ministry, etc. Blankets are provided to babies and adults who are baptized as well as shawls for comfort and love for those in need. We provide help with collations and other church activities that serve food. Contact: Debbie Rowe

Women’s Spirituality Group – A group of women who meet to discuss books related to women’s spirituality. Meetings are on the first and third Mondays of the month October through May from 7:00 to 8:30 PM.  Contact: Debbie Rowe at 508-485-4847 or via form below

Yoga – Every Tuesday at 9:30 AM.  An exercise class for all levels.  Contact: Michele Landes,