What good is all this abstention if you still don’t think about God any more than you already do? What good is not eating chocolate if you’re not praying for anyone?
Who are we supposed to be helping? Is there a hierarchy? How do we choose the communities we serve?
St. Pauly Textile Inc. is a Western NY based, family owned for-profit company and an A+ member of the Better Business Bureau. Our goal is to get USEABLE clothing to people who can use it, here in the U.S. and in developing countries, while having a meaningful impact in our local communities. (From their website.) Pilgrim Church recently received a…
See you this Sunday in the church parlor as we explore themes of healing, shame, and honor, and continue our Lenten journey together.
Join us this Sunday at either 8:45 am or 11:30 am after worship, Sundays from March 9th through April 13th!
I would say conversation would be a good place to start, but I hope I’m not too late.
How do we live with those we disagree with? How do we face ourselves and our actions, and how do we make space for opinions we don’t share?
message of reaching out to people about our faith.
I really appreciated your coming out on a Sunday afternoon, and I know Julie did as well. It was lovely to have your support and solidarity for this special service.
Let us know if you need any help putting together agendas, setting goals, and doing the work that lets Pilgrim Church get back to our core mission: Growing Faith. Strengthening Families. Loving All.