WE NEED $25 GIFT CARDS TO: WALMART, TARGET, WALGREENS, and CVS Individual Pkgs Cheez-Its and Goldfish Large Cranberry Juice Saltines Vinegar Oreos Saltines Chicken Broth in a can Triscuits Decaf Coffee V8 Original Sugar Pump Hand Soap Honey Regular Laundry Detergent Sensitive Laundry Detergent Mushrooms Mayo CapriSun Tin Foil Pasta Sauce in Jars Dish Detergent…
Our theme this year is “Let Go…Just Love”! We will be working with York Habitat for Humanity and staying in Ogunquit ME. We will work and explore what it means to be kind, compassionate, loving, forgiving, and thoughtful in today’s world. We will build teamwork and leadership skills as we explore nature and our work,…
The Practice of Thankfulness Psalm 116:1-2, 12-19 1I love the Lord, because he has heard my voice and my supplications. 2Because he inclined his ear to me, therefore I will call on him as long as I live. 12What shall I return to the Lord for all his bounty to me? 13I will lift up…
WE NEED $25 GIFT CARDS TO: WALMART, TARGET, WALGREENS, and CVS Sugar Cookies: Oreos, Vanilla Fingers, Chips Ahoy Coffee: Regular Coffee, Decaf Coffee Miracle Whip Flour Olive Oil Dinty Moore Beef Stew Strawberry Jelly Juices: Large Orange Juice, V8 Original, Large Cranberry Juice, Large Grape Juice, Large Apple Juice Regular Laundry Detergent Green Olives Sensitive…
For the past 25 years at this time, we have come together at Pilgrim to support children in need with back-to-school supplies through our Backpack Angels Program. We are told year after year how impactful this support is to the Department of Children and Family Services (DCF) and the children who benefit from it. Once…
You can bring someone to worship, or you can bring a word about the church to them. You can also invite them into your church home without any bigger motive than this: “Let’s EAT!”
Letting Go Matthew 9:9-13, 18-26 9As Jesus was walking along, he saw a man called Matthew sitting at the tax booth; and he said to him, “Follow me.” And he got up and followed him. 10And as he sat at dinner in the house, many tax collectors and sinners came and were sitting with him…
WE NEED $25 GIFT CARDS TO: WALMART, TARGET, WALGREENS, and CVS Cookies: Fig Newtons, Oatmeal, Oreos, Vanilla Fingers, Chips Ahoy Coffee: Regular Coffee, Decaf Coffee Crackers: Saltines, Triscuits, Club Crackers Dinty Moore Beef Stew Wax Paper or Parchment Paper Juices: Large Orange Juice, V8 Original, Large Cranberry Juice, Capri Sun Applesauce Jars Mandarin Oranges Plain…
Like many churches across the nation, membership has been down at Pilgrim Church over the last few years along with member contributions. However, expenses stay constant and are on the rise with the cost of everything from materials to fuel prices. This past winter, the church suffered damage to the lower level offices and hall…
Hello all gardeners, both actual and wanna-bees! As you know, the children have been preparing for a garden. We have been talking about God’s creation and our role in caring for it. We have been learning about growing faith and loving all through starting some plants to share with our community. A few weeks ago, a few PCYGers planted them outside in the…