Do you want to help our church get better connected to our guests? I’ll bet you do. And I’ll bet you’re going to be a great asset in this ministry.
The more you practice faith, the stronger it can become.
Demonizing diversions often says more about the people hollering than the ones enjoying them.
So make a choice: get the vaccine or get used to wearing the masks
Should you listen to music by someone with reprehensible views?
How often on a clear day do you look up in the skies and feel grateful that it isn’t raining?
Why do we measure our value by the rigor of our jobs, and why is our worth tied to how long we keep our heads down working?
People seem to always want to know how to assign blame.
Slavery is wrong! We embrace the freedom of all, and seek a more just future for our BIPOC neighbors.
But I made a mistake. I left the church, rather than trying to be a force for good and change.