Family Game Night-Sunday, April 5 at 6:00 p.m.
Pilgrim Congregational Church
United Church of Christ

15 Common St. – PO Box 281, Southborough, MA 01772

'community' Tagged Posts

Holy Spuds!

On October 9, Pilgrim Church will host a food tent featuring loaded baked potatoes at the annual Southborough Heritage Day celebration. This will be a great opportunity to participate in a community event and offer information about our church to people outside of our congregation. There will be several opportunities to help so please look…

Volunteers Still Needed for Children’s Garden!

Hello all gardeners, both actual and wanna-bees! As you know, the children have been preparing for a garden. We have been talking about God’s creation and our role in caring for it. We have been learning about growing faith and loving all through starting some plants to share with our community. A  few weeks ago, a few PCYGers planted them outside in the…

Sock Drive Update

264 pairs of socks were collected by the Pilgrim Church and Southborough communities for Worcester Fellowship. The socks will be distributed to the homeless in Worcester. A huge thank you to both of these communities for coming together for the greater good! Outreach Committee Julie Connelly, Sean Connelly, Carol Cullen, Val Hickey, Diane Wallace