If we intend to keep growing our church, we had better be about the business of letting folks know that they’re welcome here, no matter who they are or where they are on life’s journey.
If we intend to keep growing our church, we had better be about the business of letting folks know that they’re welcome here, no matter who they are or where they are on life’s journey.
I want you to become a champion giver. It doesn’t happen by accident. It takes a lot of practice.
Thanks to everyone who came, and if you couldn’t, consider taking time to experience this piece in person. It’s a powerful witness to the love and humanity of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther and Coretta Scott King.
The truth is, the people of these regions are always hit harder. I felt guilty worrying over our water damage at Pilgrim Church this week. I felt guiltier as the death toll in Syria and Turkey passed the 7000 mark, and it’s not even the whole story.
Join the Pilgrim church book club! We meet once a month, on Sunday evenings at church. We share a potluck dinner, and then discuss the book of the month. The book selection rotates through the members, with a different member, selecting the book each month. Our next meeting will be on Sunday, February 19 at…
This week, my sermon will focus on how we take the lesson of Micah 6:8 and apply it to our lives and to our church. I hope to see you in worship Sunday at 10 am!